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Abortion essay against

Abortion essay against

abortion essay against

Arguments against Abortion In this paper I will be arguing affirmative that abortion is not right or moral. Every individual human being, upon fertilization, is conceived with and exclusive genetic identification that remains permanent throughout his or her life. Every single human has a constitutional right which demands to be protected Opponents of abortion identify themselves as pro-life, and they almost universally believe that abortion is the act of killing of an innocent human baby. There are many different religious, political and social groups that have taken a stand against abortion First of all, there are many religious people among abortion opponents. They believe that the life of a person and personhood begins at the moment of conception. Thus, abortion is a murder of a baby given to a mother by God (Enda 34)

Essay against Abortion: Your Way to Support Life

The issue of abortion and its ready availability for any woman who seeks it is very controversial and has caused a lot of debate. There exist two positions — for and against abortion, which are dubbed pro-life and pro-choice opinions. The former defines abortion as a murder of an unborn baby. And the latter defines this act as a right of a woman to choose what way to take in her life. Which opinion is right and which is wrong? In this paper, I am going to try and prove that each woman has the right to decide whether to preserve her pregnancy or whether to abort it. So, any person any woman namely abortion essay against supposed to have an optional benefit and to decide herself what to do with her life.

There exist many opinions which define abortion in a variety of ways. In this case, all people fall under the influence of definition tyranny. Alexander This can also be called stereotypes in other words. If people are against abortion they entitle it murder of an unborn yet already living and growing baby Joffe But this issue has to be viewed in a abortion essay against broader sense, abortion is not only a right or only a wrong action, it is a complicated and serious decision made by a woman. This decision is usually influenced by a variety of factors that cannot be known by all opponents and proponents of abortion and which often cannot be defined by the existing legislation Colker If we consider the arguments which pro-life opinion supporters maintain, these include the following.

First of all, there are many religious people among abortion opponents. They believe that the life of a person and personhood begins at the moment of conception. Thus, abortion is a murder of a baby given to a mother by Abortion essay against Enda Furthermore, as far as an embryo develops quickly, abortion essay against, at the moment of abortion it has a heart, brain, and other organs so it is a real existing and living baby. Second, another pro-life argument consists of the issue of responsibility. If a woman is ready to have sex and it is her free choice then getting pregnant is the result of this choice, and a woman is abortion essay against to be responsible for her actions but not to cowardly get rid abortion essay against an unborn baby in her womb Head, Thus, the supporters of a pro-life position consider that if a woman chooses to start her sexual life which can cause pregnancy then she is expected to bear the entire responsibility for everything that happens to her.

Moreover, aborting a pregnancy at an early stage anyway murders a baby who could otherwise become not only a good person but also a talented musician, scientist, abortion essay against, or genius in some other field, abortion essay against. It is necessary to mention, that according to statistics, general abortion rates around the globe are different. For instance, in developed countries, where contraception is an issue under discussion and available for many people abortion rates decrease significantly Bowers The pro-choice opinion argues that any woman has the right to choose what to do with her body at any moment of her life.

Women, especially feminists, assert that by prohibiting abortions, abortion essay against, we thereby claim that women are no one more than child-bearing machines and this is their intended purpose. On the other hand, there are other issues connected with this position. The proponents of a pro-choice opinion believe that a woman is a personality who is living and having a certain lifestyle, working for the benefit of society. The pro-choice supporters believe in living in present and thus they support a woman in her decision for an abortion for the reason that her present life is more important than the life of an unborn baby which will be realized in the future.

Alexander, Thus, any woman is supposed to have the right to decide whether to have a baby or not, according to pro-choice supporters. As soon as she is ready for motherhood she will choose to have a abortion essay against. Otherwise, if her life cannot allow her to do this, she chooses abortion and planning her future life Pollitt 1. The question may arise here connected with the following. If a woman is so purposeful and longing for self-actualization, if she wants to plan everything in her life, abortion essay against, then why does it happen in her well-planned and scheduled life that she gets pregnant so suddenly?

Why is she not ready for this if she chooses to have sex? Here we can abortion essay against a woman depending on a situation she finds herself in. Let us assume that a woman has been raped. She does not know whether her rapist is a healthy person or a kind of abortion essay against addict, abortion essay against he is mentally ill or has hurt a woman that much that she cannot even think of having the baby which is an outcome of the rape Rubin Rape is usually a serious moral trauma for a woman and getting pregnant as a result is an at least equal trauma. A woman cannot have a baby which has been conceived in such a traumatic and hurtful act. In this case, I believe, a woman has the right to terminate her pregnancy.

Another situation can be the social and economic situation in a family. Even if a woman is not single, but if she and her husband have problems with employment, pregnancy abortion essay against having a baby will be abortion essay against issue of serious concern for them. In my opinion, any decision will be right because it is a very ill-considered step to have babies even if the family and economic situation is more than difficult Sedgh, et al In sum, legalized abortion should exist as a practice for in some cases it abortion essay against really necessary to terminate an unwanted pregnancy whether it be a health issue or a rape trauma or a social condition, or a psychological unwillingness of a woman to have a baby.

I cannot disagree with the issue of responsibility for the actions which pro-life opinion supporters argue. Any woman who decides abortion essay against have sex should be prepared that she might get pregnant, and thus she will have to be responsible for her actions. But responsibility means different things for different people, and again, here the right of choice comes into effect. Alexander, M, abortion essay against. Defining the abortion debate. A Review of General Semantics50 Bowers, J. Pro-choice and anti-abortion: Constitutional theory and public policy. Santa Barbara: Praeger Paperback, Colker, Ruth. Indiana University Press. Bloomington, abortion essay against, IN. Publication Year: Enda, J. The American Prospect, 16 Joffe, C.

Journal of the History of Sexuality, 2 Mohr, James C. The Origins and Evolution of National Policy, Oxford University Press. New York, Sedgh, G. Legal abortion worldwide: Incidence and recent trends, abortion essay against. International Family Planning Perspectives33 Rubin, Eva R. Abortion, Politics, and the Courts: Roe v. Wade and Its Aftermath. Greenwood Press. Abortion: Arguments for and Against. This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies. You are free to use it to write your own assignment, however you must reference it properly. If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer abortion essay against to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal.

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abortion essay against

First of all, there are many religious people among abortion opponents. They believe that the life of a person and personhood begins at the moment of conception. Thus, abortion is a murder of a baby given to a mother by God (Enda 34) sample essay #11 abortion is the most controversial issue having no grounds of agreement among two polar aspects. the argument is life and death though the uncertainty of complication makes it difficult. i don’t believe in abortion because it’s murder we are not the ones that can decide whether the person that a woman gives birth to should live Opponents of abortion identify themselves as pro-life, and they almost universally believe that abortion is the act of killing of an innocent human baby. There are many different religious, political and social groups that have taken a stand against abortion

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