Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Endangered species essay

Endangered species essay

endangered species essay

Why should we Protect Endangered Species Essay In the 17th century, people were not concerned about the extinction of species, because it didn’t affect them directly. Now, concern has risen and thus, almost 92 thousand species have been surveyed and over 25 thousand have been classified as vulnerable or endangered and threatened with extinction, according to the Endangered species are types of species’ that have a low number of the animal left alive on the planet. I believe that all animals should be treated with the same respect as humans. I can give you an idea of why we actually need these animals, like how we need the gray wolf so the deer or elk populations don’t overpopulate and eat a lot of the plants in California Essays on Endangered Species. Essay examples. Essay topics. One way in which human activity proved incredibly detrimental to live on Earth is by causing extinction or endangerment of numerous species. This has been caused by destroying or limiting their natural habitat or disrupting their normal life cycle in other ways

Endangered Marine Species Essay Example

At the beginning ofresearches have calculated different types of animals that have gone completely extinct of which 65 of them are extinct in the wild. Researches have calculated about 3, different types of animals that are critically endangered. People say protecting endangered animals is a waste of money, time, and has no benefits for us but here is why we should protect endangered species. Protecting endangered species would help raise environmental awareness to protect and bring order. Being able endangered species essay bring environmental awareness, endangered species essay, could help protect the ecosystem and help restore the number of species that have been endangered over time.

Species being extinct can affect our ecosystem because of the duties each of them may have. For example, there can be a plant that can bring more oxygen than others, endangered species essay, a fish that protects underwater organisms for medicine or even for food. The number of species being extinct up to date has increased tremendously. While species are being extinct, we could be missing out on the significance of medicine and cures that are yet to be discovered. If one plant species gets extinct, the possible aids such as medicine will be lost.

While many plants may be approaching extinction without our knowledge, these plants could contain endangered species essay huge number of important compounds that can extend the human lifespan or the cure for deadly diseases, endangered species essay. Agriculture also plays an important role in the protection of species. Farmers are often seen as the original environmentalists because many of them set aside parts of their land as a wildlife habitat for endangered fish and reptiles. How it works. Many species, like bees, contain important inherited material that is needed to maintain crops.

With the genes that scientists gathered from the DNAs of plants, they are pest or disease resistance, salt tolerance, and drought-resistant, endangered species essay. These relations can be used to guarantee new crops will develop in the future. The opposing argument as to why endangered species should not be protected is it will take more money to save them than to just move on and species endangerment is a part of life. Protecting species should not be about the amount of money being wasted but should come from having the knowledge of what each species role is and how it impacts our everyday life.

As for being part of our life and it just being a life cycle, the majority endangered species essay the endangered species are endangered species essay for agriculture, ecosystem, and medical purpose that can help save a life. A plan that that would help protect the endangerment of species is to create strict laws and security, endangered species essay. Many countries have laws but a lot of them have been broken because they lack enforcement. Protecting these species is beneficial to us for medical purposes, agriculture, which majority of our food comes from farms that are endangered species essay support from species and evolving the world.

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Protecting Endangered Species - Free Essay Example |

endangered species essay

Apr 17,  · Endangered Marine Species Essay Example. % of the earth is water. 25% of everything that lives in there is on the verge of extinction, due to the selfishness of humans. I therefore plead with you to join me and protect endangered marine animals. I will be talking about sharks and turtles to base my evidence and speech, though there are many Why should we Protect Endangered Species Essay In the 17th century, people were not concerned about the extinction of species, because it didn’t affect them directly. Now, concern has risen and thus, almost 92 thousand species have been surveyed and over 25 thousand have been classified as vulnerable or endangered and threatened with extinction, according to the Apr 12,  · Essay, Pages 6 ( words) Views. Save to my list. Remove from my list. There are around 41, endangered species, and around 16, of them are on the edge of extinction. There are many reasons for animals to go endangered, such as habitat loss, pollution, disease, predation, illegal killing, and poaching

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