Wednesday, May 11, 2022

One flew over the cuckoos nest essay

One flew over the cuckoos nest essay

one flew over the cuckoos nest essay

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Essay The controversial novel “One flew over the cuckoo’s nest” has been written by Ken Kesey and published in The book was very successful in the sixties and seventies during the social rebellion that includes the Civil Rights Movement, the beginnings of the women’s movement, and the issue of the Vietnam In One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Nurse Ratched represents the virtues of self-repression and conformity, of obeying society’s rules without question or complaint. By contrast, McMurphy stands for the ideals of individuality and self-expression. He represents the importance of asserting one’s thoughts and eccentricities without fear of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Ken Kesey. The Presence of Christ in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" Anonymous. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. R.P. McMurphy is not an average mental patient McMurphy v. Ratched: Not So Different After All Anonymous. Ken Kesey and the Eisenhower Administration

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Words | Essay Example

While using this novel as a primary resource, I also explored secondary resources like study guides, published interviews, journal articles, literary criticism and the Internet. The essay concludes that Kesey has portrayed McMurphy as a satirical Comic Christ. Kesey eases into the idea of McMurphy as Messiah. McMurphy becomes increasingly Christ-like as the plot progresses, indicated by the increasing intensity of the allusions from simple unobtrusive allusions in his arrival, to pronounced biblical allusions to Christ in his death. While McMurphy becomes more of a Christ-figure, he still retains the essence of his character throughout the novel — his irreverent nature.

Through the portrayal of McMurphy as a Comic Christ, Kesey echoes his anti-establishment feelings throughout the novel. Kesey encourages readers to adopt a personal sense of morality, as the views of the majority may not necessarily be the best. This essay aims to ascertain the extent to which Kesey models McMurphy after Christ. To what extent does Kesey portray McMurphy as a Christ-figure? A Christ-figure is an individual who displays certain Christ-like traits, and is comparable to Christ of the Bible. The character may possess divine qualities such as the ability to perform miracles. He may also bring new truths with him, and fight for justice by defying authority.

The Christ-figure is often a martyr, sacrificing himself for the liberation of others. This can be seen as his ultimate act of love. In s America, where racial discrimination was still at its peak, African-Americans were viewed as the dregs of society. Particularly in the South, African-Americans were subject to harsh treatment. His strength and assurance marks him as the odd one out. McMurphy is in full control of the situation and is not easily pushed around. Not only does he command Sam confidently and boldly, he also calls him by his name. This humble act implies that McMurphy regards everyone as an equal, despite being a cut above the rest. At this point in the novel, it would never occur to readers that McMurphy is an archetype of Christ.

Kesey makes no hint of McMurphy as a Christ-figure. McMurphy is vastly different from Christ. In The Comic Christ and the Modern Reader, Richard B. In an effort to hide the clues, the author may purposefully assign conflicting character traits, creating a character with moral ambiguity. Perhaps it is this thrilling game, together with the humour American readers find in irony, which allows this classic to withstand the test of time. A common trait of Christ-figures in literature is the ability to perform miracles. McMurphy accomplishes two healing miracles that bear slight resemblance to the miracles Christ performed during his lifetime. Crucifixion, practiced by ancient Romans, is a means of punishment for criminals. Not only does it strip a person of his dignity and life, it also serves as a warning to society on the ramifications of crime.

Nurse Ratched uses Ellis as an instrument to show others what they can become if they rebel. His ability to evoke a response from Ellis demonstrates his power to release a person from the grips of evil that is embodied in Nurse Ratched. However, McMurphy is no infallible god. He does not manage to successfully heal Ellis. If Kesey were to attribute Christ-like sovereignty to McMurphy at this point, it may have upset readers in s America. From a strict Christian perspective, it is considered blasphemous that a mere human with his shortcomings should be compared to Christ. Kesey gradually eases into the idea of McMurphy as a saviour, instead of blatantly shocking readers by turning a contemptuous man into a saviour overnight.

In the subsequent miracle, McMurphy prompts muted Bromden to speak, by offering him a piece of gum. In this case, it is not the demon that prevents Bromden from speaking. After which, he became a psychiatric aide in the same ward. Another interpretation is that these miracles are metaphors for the political situation in America in the sixties. The mental illnesses that she inflicts upon patients either rob them of the ability to express or confine self-expression, which Kesey reveals through the suffering Ellis and muted Bromden respectively, one flew over the cuckoos nest essay.

Though McMurphy and Christ are similar in this respect, the revelations and change each brings is different. How much more valuable then is a man than a sheep! McMurphy, likewise, questions the rules by exposing the intentions of Nurse Ratched. From this, readers can gather that she one flew over the cuckoos nest essay not be who she appears to be. Like the serpent, she might possess evil motives. Explosive words in the description of the therapeutic sessions are uttered with force, emphasizing her bestiality. In s America, Eisenhower, a five-star military general and right-wing conservative, served his term as President. It was an era of conformity under his leadership.

Kesey, however, did not conform to societal standards, but rebelled against conservative societal norms of his time. One flew over the cuckoos nest essay revelation that McMurphy brings is that the patients are not the rabbits they believe to be. We must learn to accept it as a law of the natural world… The rabbit knows his place. However, McMurphy proves that the rabbits can overcome the one flew over the cuckoos nest essay. The message Kesey brings one flew over the cuckoos nest essay different from Christ. Kesey preaches that one must assert himself in order to save his life, contrary to biblical teachings that one must lose himself in order to save his life. During the sixties, the rabbit metaphor allowed society to view themselves as Kesey does.

Having progressed from the fifties, America was going through a series of rapid changes. This decade saw the rise of the counterculture — the civil rights movement, gay liberation, sexual revolution and Beat Movement. Kesey was part of the Beat Generation. Could it be that the mentally insane are, in fact, the ones who subject themselves without question to authorities? This is a direct allusion to Jesus, who takes his twelve disciples fishing. The imagery of vast space that their laughter reaches emphasizes its genuineness. It is unrestricted and liberating. This is contrasted with the snickers the patients make with their fistsearlier on. Their laughter seems controlled, one flew over the cuckoos nest essay, as if it forced within the confines of their hands, implying its falsity.

Laughter is a means of salvation and freedom from oppression. Kesey promotes the message that what is deemed socially unacceptable may not necessarily be wrong. Right and wrong is not determined by the views of majority; but rather, by the consequences of the act. McMurphy empowers his followers with boldness. It is noteworthy how antithetical to Christ, McMurphy uses immoral means, like fabrications, to empower his disciples. Perhaps it is for Kesey to remind readers that McMurphy one flew over the cuckoos nest essay still a flawed human. In his attempt to humanise a saviour, one flew over the cuckoos nest essay, Kesey relates that one does not have to be Christ or immortal to possess the same self-sacrificial love that knows no bounds.

Although McMurphy maintains his profane disposition, he becomes increasingly Christ-like; not only in character, but also in the experiences they share. Kesey and The Merry Pranksters rebelled against authority by experimenting with hallucinogens and their sexuality. Like non-conformist McMurphy, they took to worldly pleasures. Due to the religious surge in post-WW2, readers of the sixties would have frowned upon the seemingly unprincipled lives of The Merry Pranksters and McMurphy. By presenting McMurphy as a secular Christ-figure, one flew over the cuckoos nest essay, Kesey upholds that the positive contribution one brings to society overrides the importance of strictly adhering to biblical rules. McMurphy is proof that a morally flawed character can bring monumental benefits to his community.

Because McMurphy fights the aides to protect George, Nurse Ratched sends him to be electroshocked. Do I get a crown of thorns? The traitor Judas Iscariot was amongst them. McMurphy dies as a crucified person would: by suffocation. Likewise, Christ died on the cross to save mankind. The s society would have a thorough comprehension of the torture endured by Christ, a fundamental concept of Christianity. A Christ-like death for McMurphy effectively evokes sympathy in readers. Just as Christ resurrected from death, McMurphy resurrects in his disciples. McMurphy transfers his powers to Bromden, who becomes stronger as McMurphy becomes weaker. It looked at first like the leaves were hitting the fence and turning into birds and flying away.

Freedom comes at a cost, but its benefit is far-reaching. The novel is replete one flew over the cuckoos nest essay allusions of McMurphy to Christ. On hindsight, Christ came blamelessly and without sin as a baby, to a world full of sinners. In this respect, he was superior to society; yet he entered this world humbly in a manger. While it is no rarity for humans to possess either an air of superiority or humility, one flew over the cuckoos nest essay, it is uncommon for one to be both superior and humble. It is fair to say that the characteristics of McMurphy are somewhat reminiscent of Christ. While the first miracle that McMurphy performs on Ellis lasts only for a moment, the subsequent miracle sparks a transformation in Bromden.

This leads to his crucifixion, mental death through lobotomy and finally his physical demise; with his resurrection portrayed through Chief Bromden. The series of inconspicuous allusions intensify as the plot develops. However, one flew over the cuckoos nest essay, while McMurphy learns to be more Christ-like, he is different from Christ.

The Psychology of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

, time: 1:33:42

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Essays | GradeSaver

one flew over the cuckoos nest essay

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Ken Kesey. The Presence of Christ in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" Anonymous. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. R.P. McMurphy is not an average mental patient McMurphy v. Ratched: Not So Different After All Anonymous. Ken Kesey and the Eisenhower Administration Aug 11,  · One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is the most famous novel of an American writer Ken Kesey. It was written in and published in (“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” n.d.). The idea of the book has come to Kesey during his work in a hospital for veterans where he voluntarily participated in governmental experiments on the effects Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins This question is answered through the investigation of five specific aspects of McMurphy’s life in the asylum: McMurphy’s arrival into the asylum, his healing

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