![Should Marijuana Be Legal for Medicinal Purposes: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer why medical marijuana should be legal essay](https://www.thatsnotus.com/g/004-essay-example-reasons-marijuana-should-legalized-drug-legalization-drugs-co-essays-on-high-time-classifying-august-1024x839.png)
Persuasive Essay On Why Marijuana Should Be Legal In America. The first legalization of marijuana was in by the states of Colorado and Washington. Marijuana is part of the Schedule 1 drugs, which is defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. But for Colorado and Washington, allowing the legalization has Although additional studies on this subject are still required, medical marijuana can be a healthier alternative to traditional opioid painkillers. Drug consumption is always connected to the risk of developing an addiction. Even such “harmless” and legalized drugs as alcohol and tobacco annually cause millions of deaths worldwide First of all marijuana has proven to be very useful in the medical field. Many evidence based studies have shown that medical marijuana can help patients who suffer from illnesses such as AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, and many other serious terminal illnesses
Why Marijuanas Should Be Legal Argumentative Essay | WOW Essays
We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Argumentative Essay. Topic: DrugsPrisonMarijuanaSupreme CourtPoliceAidsJusticeAddiction. Pages: 4. Words: The issue of marijuana legalization is one that has weighed on the minds of legislators and marijuana supporters ever since its prohibition. There are many heated arguments on one side of the other, and the issue is extremely controversial. Some say that it is an immoral drug that leads people to a life of crime; others say that marijuana can be medically beneficial to you, and that its prohibition brings about greater crime.
In this essay, the legalization of marijuana will be supported, as marijuana does not conclusively cause any harmful effects, and it can severely diminish law enforcement expenses. Marijuana was first banned in with the passing of the Marijuana Transfer Tax Act. Since that time, marijuana has been illegal, with the sale or purchase of cannabis making someone subject to a hefty fine and possibly jail time. However, a growing legalization movement has been making strides toward lobbying for legalization, California making the first step toward making it legal to sell marijuana for medicinal purposes.
Many other countries in the world have legalized marijuana, including the Netherlands, Peru, and Spain under certain conditions. There are many detractors to marijuana legalization; opposing arguments include the concept that marijuana serves as a gateway drug to harder drugs, such as cocaine or heroin. To others, the symptoms of marijuana use sluggishness, slow response time make it far too easy for people to place themselves in danger, especially in a motor vehicle. Also, there are many who believe that marijuana causes harmful why medical marijuana should be legal essay and is addictive, as with any other drug. They see the selling and usage of marijuana as a criminal act, and as such the perpetrators should be punished.
On the contrary, legalization of why medical marijuana should be legal essay use can actually curtail crime as opposed to encourage it. Due to its illegal status, the only way that people can why medical marijuana should be legal essay marijuana is through criminal means — getting involved with drug dealers who often smuggle it into the country, and have other markets and criminal pursuits besides marijuana smuggling. As a result, it often leads normally well-adjusted people to a life of crime simply because they want to smoke pot. If marijuana were legalized, why medical marijuana should be legal essay, there would be a safe, legal means through which those who wanted marijuana would get it.
It would lead to fewer instances of desperate people stealing and getting involved with the wrong people, which could lead to violence and death, why medical marijuana should be legal essay order to get their weed, why medical marijuana should be legal essay. Soros Another reason to legalize marijuana is that, not only is it not addictive and harmful to your body, it can actually provide medicinal benefits. Medical marijuana is used for all manner of aches and pains, as well as relief from illnesses such as glaucoma. There are even studies to show that the use of marijuana improves the health and well-being of those suffering from HIV and AIDS, as well as cancer and multiple sclerosis.
Fogarty et al. As a result, since it is not harmful, it should not be illegal to purchase and use. The final point is that the legalization of marijuana would significantly reduce law enforcement costs and make the justice system more effective. There is already overcrowding in prisons, and it has been shown that people who are imprisoned for lighter sentences can, following a prison stay, be more likely to move on to more violent crimes. The prison culture forces them to become violent in order to fit in, and consequently those habits can continue into the future. Legalizing marijuana would prevent people whose only crime was buying, selling or using it from going to prison and ceasing to be a productive member of society.
The cost to the taxpayer would be much less, as they would not be paying for more people to be jailed and imprisoned. Soros There would be legal routes to satisfy disputes between seller and buyer, and the FDA could regulate the quality of marijuana to ensure its safety. Based on the evidence and logic presented in this essay, marijuana should be made a legal drug. The only reasons for marijuana still being prohibited are superstition and competition from powerful tobacco lobbies — they fear that the increase of marijuana smoking would substantially cut into their cigarette profits. The legalization of marijuana would provide medicinal help to those who need it, save substantial taxpayer money in law enforcement and incarceration costs, and keep those who just seek marijuana from a life of crime.
There are no ill effects to using marijuana, despite claims to the contrary; therefore, there is no logical reason to keep it illegal. If marijuana were made illegal, a lot of problems with the justice system and the economy could be improved. Thesis: Medical marijuana has no recorded addictive or ill effects on the body, and as such should be legalized to reduce illegal sale. Background Info — Medical marijuana is legal in California and other countries throughout the world. Opposing thoughts — Marijuana has unforeseen addictive and harmful effects, could be a gateway drug to harder drugs. Restate Argument — would cut down on law enforcement costs and reduce crime; is not harmful to the body.
Kippax, et al. Academic Search Alumni Edition. Soros, George, why medical marijuana should be legal essay. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. ID Password recovery email has been sent to email email. HIRE WRITER Sign in. HIRE WRITER. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Our Guarantees How It Works FAQ Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Blog Our Services. ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. Soros Another reason to legalize marijuana is that, not only is it not addictive and harmful to your body, it can actually provide medicinal benefits. Medical Marijuana. Marijuana Legalization. Law Enforcement. Gateway Drug. Legalization Of Marijuana. Justice System.
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One Minute Essay Topic: Should Marijuana Be Legalized?
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Medical Marijuana has proven to cure people with life-threatening diseases much more effectively than official treatments; to have second-to-none side effects; and to be a cheaper alternative to traditional medications, therefore it should be legalized in Although additional studies on this subject are still required, medical marijuana can be a healthier alternative to traditional opioid painkillers. Drug consumption is always connected to the risk of developing an addiction. Even such “harmless” and legalized drugs as alcohol and tobacco annually cause millions of deaths worldwide Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized Essay. The issue of marijuana legalization is one that has weighed on the minds of legislators and marijuana supporters ever since its prohibition. There are many heated arguments on one side of the other, and the issue is extremely controversial. Some say that it is an immoral drug that leads people to a life of crime; others say that marijuana
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